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Teaching One-to-One Forum
Каждый учитель английского языка на том или ином этапе своей профессиональной жизни вел индивидуальные занятия с учениками. Мы по-разному называем этот вид работы: репетиторство, индивидуальные занятия, помощь, подготовка.
Однако, несмотря на то, что этот вид преподавательской работы занимает едва ли не большую часть рабочего времени среднестатистического учителя, в профессиональном сообществе редко находится пространство и время для детального обсуждения практики индивидуальных занятий.
От этого многие вопросы остаются не проясненными: как совмещать роль учителя и администратора? Как удерживать границы в общении с учениками? Как оценивать эффективность своей работы? Всегда ли индивидуальные занятия это оптимальное решение для ученика и для учителя? Должен ли учитель стремиться к развитию самостоятельности ученика? Как обходиться с динамикой индивидуального урока?
Для обсуждения этих и других вопросов мы приглашаем вас на Teaching One-to-One Forum, на котором вы сможете не только обсудить существующие практики преподавания, но и, возможно, понять, в каком направлении можно двигаться дальше в сфере индивидуальной работы с учащимися.
Yulia Beymlina
"Maintaining the energy level during 1-2-1 lessons via Skype"
Workshop: 30 min
In the Keeping the Right Energy Level session we will have a look at the signs and consequences of students low engagement in a one to one lesson via Skype. Next, we will explore a few tips and tricks that can help turn the energy levels around and maximise learning outcomes. We will have a look at some learning activities taken from a Present Perfect lesson aimed at an average A2/B1 teen, and then we will see together how they can be adapted to almost any lesson. We will wrap the session up with some DOs and DONTs to take away.
Note: the session will be held in English and the attendees will be expected to participate actively, please come prepared and equipped with a smile!
Technical requirement: please download a QR scanner app on your phone or tablet before the session; proceeding with the request will guarantee you the access to the materials and a full immersion to the experience.
Irina Kostyukovich
"When Teaching one-to-one is prescribed"
Presentation: 30 min
Teaching one-to-one used to be viewed as a remedy while nowadays it has become a cure. It might sound controversial but there are particular cases when a one-to-one format is the best way for children and teenagers to study for a number of reasons. A major change is the way children communicate and percept the information as well as the gap between real life requirements and school environment and teaching approaches. Factors contributing to such a situation, duration of a one-to-one course prescribed, and pros and cons of one-to-one mode are in the focus of attention. Over 20-year personal experience of teaching, one-to-one is the basis for this presentation.
Anita Modestova
Как перестать быть «Театром одного актёра»
Workshop: 60 min
Взаимодействуя со студентом, многие преподаватели выступают в разных ролях: преподаватель, друг, подрядчик, психолог, родитель, бухгалтер, администратор, список можно продолжать. Когда работаешь один на один, можно легко потеряться в этих ролях. Как соблюсти баланс? Как выстраивать отношения со студентом? Как быть профессионалом, у которого нет проблем с отменами занятий, предоплатой и негативом на занятиях? Как быть профессионалом, которому доверяют?
На мастер-классе мы ответим на эти вопросы и разыграем самые сложные диалоги из серии "повышение цены", "когда будем делать домашнее задание", "а где оплата за пропущенное занятие в прошлый четверг". Мы рассмотрим разные роли и выберем ту, которая позволит работать максимально комфортно и продуктивно.
Olga Voroshilina
"Teaching One-to-One: towards learner autonomy"
Presentation: 30 min
When we think of an independent learner we undoubtedly imagine a person capable of studying without a teacher. However, it is important to understand that independent learning is not always launched by the learner but quite often stems from classroom practice and largely depends on the teaching the learners receive. In this session we will talk about the need to change our representations of what teaching and being a teacher involves in order for the learners to become less dependent and be ready to assume a more active role in the learning process, and, ideally, have an ability to carry on their learning independently after the end of the course. Since ones ability to work autonomously inevitably involves the use of language learning strategies, we will look at the key elements of strategy instruction, the necessity to provide room for examining learners beliefs for strategy training to be more successful, and the essential role of metacognition in helping learners to take ownership of their learning.
Nataliya Ivleva
"Strong emotions in one-to-one classes: a friend or a foe?"
Presentation: 30 min
Learning English is an emotionally charged subject for too many. Given the often traumatic experiences of school classes and the embarrassment of not being able to function properly in a professional or academic environment, it is hardly surprising that adult learners carry a wide range of emotional prejudices and cognitive distortions concerning the language itself, as well as their own abilities and learning practices. As students may be unaware of their strong emotional attachments to the language, they are hardly ever ready to name or discuss the relevant emotions, simultaneously revealing a range of behavioural patterns. The format of one-to-one classes almost obliges the teacher to recognize the students emotional background and address it. The presentation aims to outline emotions most frequently associated with English learning, their impact on students cognitive styles and performances, attendance rates and general satisfaction with their progress. It also discusses how teachers can or should deal with students emotional biases and whether it is possible to turn strong emotions into a powerful ally to the learning process.
Forum Programme
10:30 11:00 Participants registration and complimentary welcome coffee
11:00 11:30 Opening
11:30 12:30 Анита Модестова: Как перестать быть «Театром одного актёра».
12:30 12:40 Reflection
12:40 13:00 Break
13:00 13:30 Nataliya Ivleva: Strong emotions in one-to-one classes: a friend or a foe?
13:30 13:40 Q&A
13:40 14:10 Olga Voroshilina: Teaching One-to-One: towards learner autonomy.
14:10 14:20 Q&A
14:20 15:30 Complimentary refreshment break
15:30 16:00 Irina Kostyukovich: When teaching one-to-one is prescribed.
16:00 16:10 Q&A
16:10 16:40 Yulia Beymlina: Maintaining the energy level during 1-2-1 lessons via Skype.
16:40 16:50 Q&A
16:50 17:10 Break
17:10 17:40 Discussion time
17:40 18:00 Closure: reflection, evaluation, feedback
18:00 19:00 Complimentary Wine & Cheese party
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